ATHANASIA is a unique power trio playing a highly original hybrid of classic and modern heavy metal, consisting of singer/guitarist Caleb Bingham (Ex- FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH), bassist Brandon Miller, and veteran drummer Jason West (Ex- MURDERDOLLS/WEDNESDAY 13). Their debut album “The Order of the Silver Compass” combines anthemic stadium metal hooks with elements of bay area thrash and Scandinavian black metal styles. ATHANASIA is hell bent on ensuring that loud, guitar driven heavy metal music will continue as an art form until the end of time itself!
Official Release Date: 15/03/2019
Track List
1. Read Between The Lines
2. Spoils Of War
3. The Order Of The Silver Compass
4. Cyclops Lord (My Will Is Done)
5. The Bohemian
6. Mechanized Assault
7. Nightmare Sound
8. White Horse