Rough on High Seas is the sophomore album by Above Us The Waves, a record that clearly depicts a more mature and darker approach to their sound. AUTW, while keeping the main characteristics of their riff oriented and melodic modern metal/hardcore intact, have moved to a more raw and organic sound, away from the repetitive and highly processed norms of modern day metalcore. Assisted by the characteristic “punkish” approach of ex-Defeater’s Jay Mass and the guidance of their producer Jim Siou, they have shifted the focus to delivering a high energy performance that could bring the energy of their live shows and the raw emotion of the lyrics into the spotlight. The music sets the dark tone to the concept of loss that runs through every song of the album. Loss of safety, love, youth, innocence, freedom, home, aspirations, promises, as experienced on various aspects of our lives, but also loss as a means to rebirth. Rough on High Seas can also be seen as a metaphor for one of the most hard and struggling periods of the band that “gave birth” to this album.
Official Release Date: 08/06/2018
Track List
1. Drowning Not Waving
2. Afterlife
3. Light The Flare
4. Seaside Junk
5. Still Rough On High Seas
6. Windcheater
7. Poor Man’s Monaco
8. Homefront